— Brief Introduction
Hubei Agricultural Machinery Institute (briefed Hubei Institute), founded in 1977, is an independent corporate institution fully funded by governmental budget. It locates in Hubei University of Technology and is incorporated into it in 2007. On agricultural business aspect, it keeps under guidance of Hubei Province Agricultural Machinery Bureau. Up to now, its business covers agricultural machinery design and manufacturing, technical innovation, and personnel training, etc.
Hubei Institute currently has 68 staff. It is a high lever research team: 20 persons having doctor degree; 20 staff owning senior professional titles including one National Agricultural Mechanization and Agricultural Technology Facilities Expert, two Hubei Province Subsidy Experts. In addition, some outstanding scholars are introduced, such as: Luo Xiwen(Professor of South China Agricultural University, and academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering), Li Shujun (doctoral supervisor, Chairman of the Asian Society of Agricultural Engineering), Wu Huapeng(Professor of Finnish Lapland Tower University), and etc. The institute has the mechanical engineering discipline master program. There are about 50 postgraduates studying within agricultural machinery area.
Hubei Institute facilitates "Hubei Province Agricultural Equipment Intelligent Engineering Technology Center", "Hubei Province Automotive Vibration and Noise Control Engineering Technology Center", and " University-enterprise Joint Boat Tractors Research Center". It sets three research division: the innovative design and dynamics division, agricultural machinery division, and agricultural machine intelligence and information technology division.
Hubei Institute is mainly committed to southern agriculture mechanization. Its service is mainly focused on: paddy field work machinery, the machinery for southern special crops, and agricultural machine intelligence and information technology. It has undertaken more than 300 national and provincial research projects, and harvested more than 100 important scientific and technological achievements and received more than 20 national and provincial awards. It owns more than 100 Chinese patents, and formulates more than 30 national and provincial standards. In recent years, more efforts are focused on paddy field power equipment, special crop machinery innovation, straw comprehensive utilization, agriculture machine intelligence and information technology. Some in-depth and pioneer research works have been carried out, and several results are outstanding.
Hubei Institute actively explores novel forms of integration of government, enterprises, and research institution, and emphasizes international academic exchanges. Wide connections have been established with Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS), South China Agricultural University, Finland Lappeenranta University of Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Hubei Yuchai engines limited, and Zhejiang yijia Machinery limited, etc. Several research centers are established: "Hubei Province Academician and Expert Workstation", "Hubei Province University-Enterprise Joint Development Center for Agricultural Equipment" and "Hubei Province agricultural machinery innovation Base" in Hubei Yuchai Engine Company; "Chinese agriculture Valley Agricultural Machinery Industry Academy" jointly established with Jingshan County government.
Hubei Institute aims to develop into an "innovation institution". Its progress is driven by innovation. It devotes to the research and development of key machines and technology for southern agriculture mechanization. Its core business is the invention and manufacturing of High-end argo-machinery products. By the power of innovation and invention, Hubei Institute is to contribute to the upgrade of southern agriculture mechanization and is forged into the outstanding institution featured by" South and Innovation".
湖北省农业机械工程研究设计院(以下简称湖北省农机院) 成立于1977年,是省属独立法人全额拨款事业单位。2007年随事业单位机构改革整体并入湖北工业大学,业务上接受湖北省农机局指导。历经40年的发展,现已逐步发展成集农业装备科研、产业和人才培养于一体的科研院所。