Till 2010, there are 10,152 health institutions (excluding village clinic), 251,500 health technicians and 201,300 sickbeds in total. The Hubei provincial Government provides 9 basic public health services for rural and urban residents. 97 rural counties (cities,districts) in Hubei province have implemented the New Rural Cooperative Medical System and it has covered 97.4% of the rural residents. A smooth progress has happened in major national public health services.

Wuhan Union Hospital, Grade 3A*, Add: No.1277, Jie Fang Avenue, Wuhan,Hubei,430030; Tel: (086)027-85726114

Wuhan Tongji Hospital, Grade 3A*, Add: No.1095 Jie Fang Avenue, Wuhan,Hubei,430030; Tel(086)027-83663268,(086)027-83662626

Hubei General Hospital, Grade 3A*, Add: No.99 Zi Yang Road, Wuhan, Hubei,430060; Tel: (086)027-88041911
*(Grade 3A is the highest grade in the hospital classification by Ministry of Health in China)
Source: hubei.gov.cn
For details: http://en.hubei.gov.cn/